A Litany in the Aftermath of Gun ViolenceRevised by the author, the Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane, Episcopal Bishop of MainePermission is granted to amend or adjust as necessary.Feb 28, 2018
A Litany for the Gun Violence Prevention Sabbathby the Rt. Rev. Stephen T. Lane, Episcopal Bishop of Maine. Feel free to edit to add the governor of any state where it will be used. (December 13, 2015)Dec 13, 2015
A Moral Call: People of Faith Confronting the Tragedy of Gun Violence(December 13, 2015 — Burlington, Vermont). This interfaith prayer vigil was part of the National Gun Violence Prevention Sabbath Weekend. The opening remarks were given by the Rt. Rev. Thomas C. Ely, Episcopal Bishop of VermontDec 13, 2015