Bishops United Gun Suicide Prevention Panel Discussion on November 18

On November 18 at 3 p.m. Eastern, people of faith are invited to join Bishops United Against Gun Violence on Zoom for a panel discussion with three leaders working to prevent gun suicides:

-Elizabeth Cervasio is the missioner for children, youth and family ministry in the Diocese of Colorado, which has developed a curriculum for reducing suicide.

-Sawyeh Maghsoodloo directs state policy and communications for the Community Justice Action Fund, a leading national organization in addressing gun violence in Black and Brown communities.

-Jennifer Stuber teaches at the University of Washington and is a leader in that state (and beyond) in reducing gun suicides. She is an experienced community organizer who lost her husband to gun suicide in 2011. Her research was featured in the New York Times in 2020.

The panel discussion will be moderated by Bishop Mark Beckwith, who will also facilitate a question and answer session.